In 2011, GOOD joined Starbucks in their effort to unite community development corporations, corporate donors, and individuals through Create Jobs for USA (you might remember those “Indivisible” wristbands for sale at their stores).
GOOD advised on the strategy and execution of this massive campaign, and I served as the main project manager, driving the whole kit and caboodle. That meant: the design and production of an infographic explanation of the campaign, printing and distributing this infographic into a fold-out newspaper available at every Starbucks, producing a special launch event at their Harlem store, overseeing the production for promotional and documentary-style videos, and driving all the creative around the campaign.
It was a lot of moving parts, but thanks to this campaign, 750,000 wristbands were sold to fund over 3,800 jobs through Starbucks' partnership with Opportunity Finance Network.
Check out full case study at GOOD, and me getting quoted about the project on Illustration Age.
Special thanks to those who helped produce all this rad stuff, including: Jessica De Jesus, Jimmy Greenway, and Driscoll Reid.