Heard of Vision Zero? This global campaign has cities (like Santa Monica) making bold commitments to get to zero pedestrian and traffic-related fatalities. And while many do aggressive campaigns, Santa Monica is different... 
Working with the team at GOODcorps as the lead strategist, we wanted to develop a campaign that honors people's desire to live in – and create – a safe, friendly community. Instead of shaming people, we'd use optimism to help them be their best selves and champion safer roads. "Take the Friendly Road" is the result: a massive city- and county-wide public education campaign. 
To develop this campaign, I hosted community and City staff workshops, researched the history and future of Santa Monica's vision for smarter transportation, and collaborated with an outstanding creative team to develop an eye-catching campaign. And just as the campaign was launching in Fall 2018, we partnered with Bird and Lime scooters to develop an additional e-scooter campaign to make sure that the rules of using this new mode of transportation got out quick. This OOH education campaign was so successful that the creative spread throughout LA County to inform all Angelenos about this new mode of transportation.
For more, go to the City of Santa Monica's campaign page.
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